About Bellwox

The company was started in 2004 by Erika Bellander, MSc in Aerodynamics, KTH. Bellwox has today many partners connected to the business. Company is no longer operative. The business is carried on as a spare time project since 2020.


Erika Bellander, MSc and PMP,
has created a full covering natural flow oriented business model for support in understanding and development of an efficient business.

By combining experience from business reengineering and process development from Landis&Gyr, Semcon and Siemens in roles like Project Manager and Process Manager (CIO) with knowledge in fluid dynamics she found and tried out many interesting parallels between physical flows and the business process flows.

The model describes the everyday life in the business logically and comprehensive, which makes the relations around a business process and how it works clear, so everybody can understand and contribute in the best way.

The result was very good from this in Erikas work and the reason to why the creation of the Bellwox concept was made.

The book Vinnande Flöden (Winning Flows) was publised in 2007. Then Erika also had a taken a degree in business economy and developed the concept, tools and work material that Bellwox uses in the assignments. Erika has a background from various assignmens, both under and before Bellwox AB, with for example Ericsson, SAAB and Vinnova. Part-time she also teaches in Project Management and The Organization Management and the System at Master-level on KTH-Syd.

Bellwox has several contracted advisors, stakeholders and business partners.

We seek persons who want to learn more about the concept and work with it. So, please let us know if you are interested!

You can also look at Facebook to se more about Erika Bellander, join the Bellwox Business Process Management and tell your BPM-story..

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Erika Bellander © 2020